Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Location of Absolute Perfection in the Universe

The Location of Absolute Perfection in the Universe

This is a discussion about the source and location of absolute perfection. Absolute perfection. A place where there are no mistakes, no judgments, no reactivity, no resistance. You are sitting in the center of it, at this very moment. No one taught us. We had to go find it ourselves. We now know where it resides. We will begin at then, and then we will come to now.

About 14 billion earth-years ago something known as the Big Bang singularity occurred. Previously to this, data is unreliable. This singularity apparently could not happen, as the energy required to escape its own gravitational field had to be overcome, but which was so dense it could not do so. It did, however. The universe was said to be "unaware" of itself at this instant. This is the first lesson in being unaware. The energy began to slow, forming simple atoms from pure energy following the equation E=MC(2). This equation states that energy and matter are interchangeable, and depend upon speed. When energy slows enough, matter forms. Matter is an illusion, an artifact of time.

The first matter was hydrogen, and then helium, and then the remainder of everything we know and see and sense. Around 4.5-4.8 billion earth-years the Sun and the Earth began to coalesce from these lighter materials, to make aluminum, silicon, iron, primordial ooze, enzymes, amino acids, fish, trees, lizards, dinosaurs, mammals, and eventually us. For 14 billion earth-years, the universe has been growing up. For 14 billion earth-years, the universe has been forming from the unmanifested into reality.

Had any single part of this 14 billion earth-year long equation have been different, we would not be. Had the Sun and Earth formed differently, either larger, or smaller, we would not be. Had the Earth not captured its Moon, the seas would be largely fetid pools, and we would not be. Scientists still cannot square on how it came to be, or how it got where it is, but without it, we would not be. Without an atmosphere, we would not be. Without billions or organisms forming coral reefs and soil, we would not be. If an atmosphere had not formed, we would not be. If comets had not deposited their water inside this atmosphere, we would not be. None of this locates perfection. Perfection is not an equation that equals people. Perfection just is.

Around 65 million earth-years ago a series of asteroids or comets slammed into the Earth, some in the Yucatan Penninsula, and another hypothesized site undersea in the Indian Ocean called Shiva. These cataclysms were theorized to be responsible for the K-T extinction at the Cretacious-Tertiary boundary. The ejecta from these impacts circled in the Earth's atmosphere, choking off sunlight. The dinosaurs, being cold-blooded, could not survive the new environmental conditions, but the mammals, which were small but warm-blooded could survive the new conditions, leading eventually to the evolution of humans. Without the interactions of this cosmic debris, we would not be. A couple of seconds time or a couple of degrees change in trajectory elevation 65 million earth-years ago, and these large bodies would not have intersected the Earth on its cycle around the Sun, and we would not be. None of this locates perfection. Perfection is not an equation that equals people. Perfection just is.

For 14 billion earth-years a movie called reality has been playing, an unbroken stream of instantaneous intersections with the present moment, a reality that has been playing continuously and perfectly until this very moment. Had any one aspect been different, we would not be to read this page. At this one moment called now, the entire universe unfolded for 14 billion earth-years to be what it is. At this very instant, the universe has concretized, or manifested, or become, and no other unfolding from the googolplex of infinite unfoldings took place. Just this one. Here we are. The source of absolute perfection. This moment. Right now. Surprise.


Any other path the universe would have taken would also have been perfect, as the perfection of what is does not depend upon any specific outcome. The perfection of is is independent of any desire, wish, need, or projection of what should be. The perfection of is is not a description of the universe, it is a condition of the universe. It exists throughout the entirety of the universe, in every location, and at every intersection with every now, everywhere. It is immutable, permanent, and unchanging. It is happening right now. At every intersection with every now moment, the perfection of is changes to become another perfection of is, and another, and another, and another. This process has been continuous for 14 billion earth-years. It works perfectly every time.

In Japanese aesthetic theory, there exists an idea known as wabi-sabi, the idea that everything is impermanent, changeable, and therefore imperfect. Within this aesthetic, items are produced by artisans to demonstrate this idea of imperfection. A wabi-sabi teapot, for instance, would be formed crudely, or imperfectly, to illustrate this idea. In other words, the Japanese artisan produces imperfection as perfectly as they are able. The word "sabi" means "rust" and its Chinese character is presumed to have arrived through a common etymological source. Rust, or course, is the process through which iron slowly changes back to its constituent element. Wabi-sabi is the philosophy that nothing can be perfect, because everything is a work in progress, and so perfection can never be attained by anything or be resident within any quality. It appears a collision is inevitable between these two competing viewpoints, that the unstoppable force of change must collide with the unchanging field of perfection, but such a collision is illusory.

What wabi-sabi measures is the whole of the interaction, between organization and dissolution, rise and fall, creation and destruction. This appears to indicate that the universe and everything in it is a work in progress, a continuously unfinished work of art, always evolving, always changing, and therefore always imperfect. This is an incorrect conclusion. If we were to look at a rushing stream what we would see is a continuous flow of water changing shape and presenting itself to our eyes as a changing body of material, a splashing and plashing foaming morph always in the act of becoming, transient and imperfect. If our eyes were high speed cameras freezing this stream at each second, however what we would see is not a writhing, watery stream, what we would see would be three dimensional frozen sculptures of water and foam. In the next instant, these frozen forms would change to look completely different. In every instant, the shape the water takes is perfect. In the next instant, another perfectly formed sculpture replaces the previous sculpture. Wabi-sabi mistakes change for imperfection. Change is just change. Perfection occurs in every moment.  Perfection never changes. Perfection is a universal constant.

What we see as imperfection is a judgment. We make a decision about reality. We like it. We don't like it. We'd rather something this or something that. If only, she should, why doesn't he. Wabi-sabi judgments are made about reality for one reason: the person is not in the moment. The widespread assumption that reality is imperfect, that humans are deeply flawed, that we are unworthy or imperfect, that our relationships are going wrong, that our history is a tragic display of thoughtless failure, are judgments that depend upon the quality of time for their formation. People living in the future or the past can come to no other conclusion than to mistakenly come to believe that anything is anything other than absolutely perfect. They all make the mistake of allowing wabi-sabi to be the quality, rather than the measurement of the quality.

Let's take another view. Let's pretend perfection is a quality such as temperature, and let's allow change to be that which measures perfection. Change would be the thermometer upon which the scale of relative perfection is recorded. That is to say, what is the temperature right now? Right now, the temperature is what it is. Only with a thermometer can a relative measure of temperature be recorded. Compounding the issue is the scale itself, whether the temperature is recorded in Kelvin, Centigrade, or Fahrenheit. Regardless of scale, this is what is to be seen: Temperature does not need a thermometer to exist. A thermometer needs a temperature to measure. Perfection is what is. Change measures what has been. Every person is a thermometer. They are all either K, or C, or F thermometers, all of them measuring perfection in relative terms. These scales are called judgments. Judgments are artifacts of human thought. They are thought forms of humans. Perfection is the thought form of the universe. The universe has never once made a single mistake in 14 billion earth-years, not once, and it never will.

Everything in the world is absolutely, utterly, completely perfect. Every person in the world is absolutely, utterly, completely perfect. Every relationship is absolutely, utterly, completely perfect. Every event in our human history is absolutely, utterly, completely perfect. It can be proved. It can be demonstrated. For the moment, though, relax. Stop thinking. This is all very strange. We have believed all our lives that everything is absolutely going all wrong. We can see it, can't we? No. We can't. Our eyes cannot see themselves, even as they see everything else. We missed the moment. Be in the moment, and see for yourself if it is true or if it is not. Be in the moment, don't judge it, don't measure it, just stay there, and see if everything isn't absolutely perfect. When you begin giggling, or crying, you will have found it for yourself. The beginning of the end of reactivity and resistance is found right here, when the undeniable logic of absolute perfection moves from the mind into the body. Complete calm. Soul stillness. Here it is.

Next: why you are absolutely, utterly, and completely perfect and always have been.


True Indigo is the new consciousness author of A Personal Aristocracy: Cultivating the Power of Spiritual Nobility, the first book to explore the subject of human spiritual nobility. His second book The Principle, or Emergence and Desire in the Creation of Gift, disproves the law of attraction using its own words and its own source documents. He is at work on The Perfection of is. He can be found at or

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